The last days of September were not very rich in publications, here as on my social networks. Not for lack of ideas or desires, but I was confronted with unexpected difficulties mostly beyond my control. It's almost resolved now and I want to share here a little reflection on how to deal with problems.
Sometimes, we can have the impression that the fate is relentless, that the difficulties accumulate and that the external elements prevent us from moving forward.
It is necessary to fight against these ideas and against these thoughts.
Difficulties and obstacles can be quite real and really penalizing but the most important thing is the response that we will adopt.
If we start to think that it's inevitable, caused by bad luck and that in any case we won't be able to get past it because we don't have the necessary capacities, skills or energy... the only thing that will happen is that we will amplify the difficulties and make the situation even more difficult.
I try a lot to work on it and I'm still too imperfect (otherwise I wouldn't have disappeared from the networks for a few days) but it seems really relevant to me, and beneficial for morale. It's even more important when you want to achieve projects, whatever they are, professional, personal, life choices...
The outside world is impossible to control, there will always be unforeseen events, obstacles and disappointments. What we can manage to better control is our "inner world". That is to say our emotional state and our way of welcoming and dealing with these difficulties. At this level I believe a lot in self-fulfilling prophecies, if we think that it will go wrong and that we will not succeed, on the one hand we increase the chances that it will go wrong and on the other hand it affects our morale in the present moment.
And it is at this moment that we take the risk of entering a self-destructive circle, because the more our morale drops, the lower our emotional energy gauge becomes, the more the next difficulties encountered will seem insurmountable.
It can sometimes be very complicated, but we have to succeed in changing our perception of the difficulties and our way of reacting to them.
Without necessarily adopting the Coué method and telling ourself that everything is fine when it is objectively not true, I think that we have to succeed in refocusing on the positive, which is going well, and from there entering into a process of finding solutions, because there are always some. To start by telling ourself that it is possible, that we can succeed, is to take a first step towards solving the problem. It then allows us to start looking for solutions and also to succeed in maintaining our morale in the present moment, by imagining the future without the problem and by occupying your mind.
And there we manage to enter a virtuous circle that allows us to move forward and better face the following difficulties.
For my part and to come back to more concrete elements, in addition to working on solving my problem, I took advantage of these few days to improve this website a little bit more and, at the same time, have a additional source of satisfaction.
If you pay attention, you will see that the homepage has changed and that there is a clearer separation between the blog, with articles accessible to all, and the private club. The private club now has its own news section for special publications, in addition to the albums, photos and videos sections. There have also been cosmetic improvements and improvements to the subscription process, which I hope you enjoy.
I will now be able to focus on the content :-)
To be continued, now that autumn has arrived:
- An article in progress on pain and consent in BDSM
- Fall photos, especially outdoors.
- More fetish pictures, Halloween is coming^^
- Still unpublished photos to remember the summer
- The rest of the repair of the clio
Faced with the obstacles and sticks that can be put in our way, I think we must keep in mind that there is no inevitability, there will always be obstacles, but we can find in oneself, the philosophy and the concrete answers to adopt in order to continue to move forward. To conclude this article, I want to borrow from our English friends this famous slogan, in the face of the difficulties “Keep calm and carry on”.
Oh, and, to illustrate the article, a small series of photos in “Working girl” mode!
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Merci pour ce partage de vos réflexions et de vos ressentis. Ce n'est pas toujours évident de voir le positif dans les difficultés que l'on rencontre, mais il faut essayer de s'y efforcer pour pouvoir progresser et se protéger.
Superbe état d'esprit. Ce n'était pas évident vu l'enchainement des difficultés que tu as du subir ces dernières semaines. Tu a su rebondir et repartir du bon pied. Je t'admire pour ça. J'espère quand même que le ciel vas se dégager et que tu vivra une fin d'année plus clémente. Au plaisir de te lire et de te voir.
Voilà vous venez de mettre en exergue une de vos très grande force la volonté de se batte même si ça va mal. Alors peut-être que cela veut dire que vous mettez certaines activités de côté pour vous recentrer et résoudre le problème. Nous sommes toutes et tous imparfaites c’est ce qui fait aussi la beauté de ce monde si je peux dire.