
Join my private club 18+

Small car repairs EN

Private club 18+ Join my private club to have access to all photos and videos and be part of my world.

If you follow me on social networks (especially Instagram and X-Twitter) you have seen that I had a small electrical problem with my car a few days ago, for which I asked for help.

Several of you have reacted and I would like to thank you, it's really nice to see that social networks also work in case of problems and that there are many of you who are ready to help.

I couldn't respond to everyone, I think, sorry if that's the case, as then there were my Christmas posts, it got a little lost.

But the problem is resolved a priori (in any case my lights come on again)

And I'll explain a little for those who are interested:

The problem came from my fog lights (at the rear) which no longer came on, even though the light on the dashboard was on.
I checked the fuse first, then the bulb and everything was ok.
I took out my multimeter and that's where it got complicated, there was 12 volts without the bulb, but the voltage disappeared when adding the bulb to the circuit.
There is no relay.
The light board was clean and the ground was correct there.
I also took the button apart and cleaned the contacts a little.
It was quite confusing.

A friend had the idea to tell me to try it directly by shunting the button, and miraculously, it works normally.

The problem therefore came from the button in which I have the impression that plastic had melted and partially covered the copper strips which make contact and I had not seen it clearly the first time (it is not very accessible) .

I am not an expert at all but from what was explained to me the damaged contacts acted as a parasitic resistance in the circuit which means that when there was the load, the bulb connected, I could not I no longer had my 12 volts to make it turn on.

If this speaks to you or if you have additional explanations, do not hesitate.

In the meantime, I ordered a second-hand button on ebay to be sure and for the moment it works!

Otherwise I also changed the headlight control switch because its operation was becoming unpredictable, changed the brake pads and cleaned, lubricated a caliper hoping that it would no longer seize and found the source of a fuel leak. oil (it's probably the crankshaft oil seal) and I changed the windshield wipers to models with a new design and it no longer makes a horrible squeak, so that's good!

Otherwise, it works!
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