
Join my private club 18+

En mai fais ce qu'il te plaît... (french saying) EN

Private club 18+ Join my private club to have access to all photos and videos and be part of my world.

May is already here! Personally I have a hard time believing that we are already almost halfway through the year , time flies so fast...

But, to use this popular french saying "In May, do what you like", the return of sunny days encourages  to go out a little more, to walk, to wear pretty dresses that are not warm enough for the cold weather... and maybe do a little more of what we like, on the outside at least.

Otherwise, absolutely, to do what we like, there is no need for an old saying to follow or a particular moment to wait for, it should and must be when we decide.

I take this opportunity to share some photos taken during one of the first walks of this year with my charming submissive (who will not appear in these photos yet but may be soon).

To do some promotion, the "2022" t-shirt I'm wearing is designed by a friend and if you like this style you can find it and others on the website!

Coming soon in May, normally a (small) trip, which will certainly be an opportunity to take photos :-) I will publish more often here, too, and moreover some people may have noticed it but the site has - again - changed a little bit ^^
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Private club 18+ Join my private club to have access to all photos and videos and be part of my world.

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