
Join my private club 18+

1 bike ride = 1 exhibitionist EN

A short week ago when a heat wave was overheating France, full of motivation we decided to go on a bike ride very early on Sunday morning,  at dawn, before 6am.

It requires a very short night and waking up around 4:30 am... A little bit of make-up to look presentable and feminine, for yourself, to be able to take some pictures and in case of social interactions.

For the outfit, for me it will be a playsuit that a friend had given me but that I had not yet had the opportunity to wear. It seems more appropriate to me than a short dress... I want to try to remain a little discreet and to have an outfit adapted to the activity.

After some preparations, here we go! it was a bit chilly and the first rays of the sun were really welcome.

On a cycle path, we are overtaken by a cyclist, he takes a quick look back after passing in front of us and he continues on his way, so far nothing abnormal... A few minutes later, while we arrived at an intersection and therefore had to stop, we saw this cyclist again, sitting on a bench, a little behind the track.

A first look, then a second... with his legs quite apart, this cyclist had abandoned his bike and was indulging in a little personal pleasure... masturbatory...

"Pssst... suck..." this is how this man, giving in to impulses that he probably couldn't control after seeing us, tried to bait us.


So, I'll stop you right away if your imagination is a little too overflowing, it's absolutely not a correct and acceptable attitude. And of course we did not stop.

Assuming your femininity in the public space is not necessarily easy for everyone, you have to face stares, prepare for reactions if the passing is faulty, avoid certain places and situations... and I can tell you that this kind of dating doesn't help at all.

At what point when crossing girls on bikes, do you overtake them and stop a little further to wait for them while masturbating!? At the time I found it rather comical as a situation but it is also dangerous, if this individual is not able to control himself after seeing a little thigh, what is the next step?

Despite this little anecdote, the outing was pleasant and it feels good to do some physical exercise, it will have to be done again. But by remaining cautious and keeping your eyes open.

All photos if you are a member of my club (but not of the exhibitionist).
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Malheureusement rien d étonnant.le sexe féminin de tout âge est un danger pour les demeurés sexuels. Si les punitions étaient plus fortes t inquiètes pas qu il se masturberait devant une vidéo chez lui


C'est lui qui a eu de la chance que je poursuive ma route... il était plutôt vulnérable dans cet endroit et dans cette position...


belle anecdote , tu as eu de la chance qu'il n'ai pas été plus entreprenant. Le coté positif de cette aventure c'est qu'il a été sensible à tes charmes. J'espère que tu ne le recroisera pas si tu te re ballade dans le coin.


J'espère aussi, mais prudence !

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